Ivana Royse Recieves Top Honor
October 14, 2012
Ivana Royse AIFD,CFD,CCF, alumnus of the GWC Floral Design and Shop Management Certificate program, received the top honor at the California State Floral Association’s Annual Cali-Flora Top Ten Design Competition – “Legends” on Sunday, October 14th in Los Angeles.
Bloomin' News Winter - January 2013 Volume 22 - No. 1
January 01, 2012
The California State Floral Association’s “Calif Flora 2012 – Legends” event in October, held at the Southern California Flower Market, drew many florists, designers, and students from throughout the state. 2012 Top Ten Winner was Ivana Royse CCF CFD, Ivana’s Floral Designs (page 15).
Bixby Mansion - Ivana Royse Thanked for Creative Efforts
August 03, 2008
Golden West College Floral Department was invited to create Floral "Beds" at the California State Floral Association's Floral Design Event “Reflections of History & Rooms In Bloom”. These special floral art creations enhanced the front lawn of this 7,000 square foot mansion. Ivana Royse was thanked for her creative efforts in the actual planning and designing of the incredibly beautiful “flower beds”.